Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Imported water- The 2nd national tap
What are international agreements?     

An international agreement is an agreement between countries regarding the supply and the use of resources over a specific time.
Imported water:
Singapore and Malaysia had signed two water agreements- the first one was signed in 1961 and expired in 2011 and the second one was signed in 1962 and is going to expire in 2061. Singapore had been importing water from Malaysia since 1920. Singapore buys raw water from the state of Johor and Johor buys back the water after it has undergone through treatment and turned into potable water.
Singapore receives water from Malaysia through three large pipelines that are built parallel to a two-km causeway which connects the two countries.
11)      It is a convenient way of obtaining water supplies
1)      It is not sustainable in the long run as supply of water will be affected if Malaysia decides not to extend the contract when it expires
2)      It might be very costly as countries might want to increase the price of their water to earn money.
3)      It is not a self-dependent solution as Singapore is relying on Malaysia for water.

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